"That fool bird was just out there in the middle of nothin', chipping away at the goddamn rock," Momma Bones told Willis as she downed her second Coors.

"A bit like you," Willis thought as he opened a tin of sardines, but he kept that idea to himself.

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. . [Desert Bird: 5k] . .
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Short stories

Momma Bones

Dust (Willis)

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Browse: Desert bird | Warning bird | The cat | Chapayeka | The kite | Lizard days (2) | Mesa song | Deal, partner! | Sketchbook | Graffiti hearts (2) | Hearts in two | Hong Kong collage (5) | Tic tac deco (4) | Haiku toc: spring-summer-autumn-winter | Momma Bones | Dust

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All photographs, artwork and text are copyright © Carolyn Leigh, 1996 - 2022.
RimJournal, Tucson, AZ, USA at https://www.rimjournal.com/